Managing Databases

If your project uses a supported database you may be able to use the database features of Riptide. These features allow you to manage different environments of your database and to switch between them, for example if you are developing a new feature.


Database environments are an abstraction over whatever database management your database software comes with. It completely isolates the entire physical database files in different directories.

If you switch the environment you tell Riptide to use a different directory for the data of your database.

Listing environments and status

riptide db-status shows you the current database environment and riptide db-list lists them.


If these commands fail with the message “No such command”, then database management is not available for your project.

Creating a new environment

Use riptide db-new NAME to create a new EMPTY database environment. This also switches the current environment to this new one. See Copying.html instead if you want to copy an existing environment.

Importing and exporting

You can import and export dumps of the currently active database environment. The format of this dump depends on the database driver that the project is using.

riptide db-import FILE to import, riptide db-export FILE to export.


Depending on the database driver this may export/import the entire database server with all “sub-databases” or only one active “sub-database”. For the MySQL driver for example it only exports and imports one configured primary database.


To copy an existing environment, use riptide db-copy FROM TO, where FROM is the name of the environment to copy from and TO the name of the new environment.

Switches to the new environment.


To delete an environment use riptide db-drop NAME. You can not delete the active environment.


This can not be undone.