
Riptide 0.5.0 introduces Performance optimizations. These include the change, that under Mac and Windows most volumes are now no longer stored on the host file system, but in internal named volumes of the VM instead.

This also affects volumes of projects, which were previously stored under _riptde/data in projects, such as MySQL databases.

If you need the data, you need to manually export the data of these volumes before upgrading Riptide and then import it after the upgrade.

Linux is not affected by these changes (unless the performance option is manually enabled). This guide assumes you are using MacOS or Windows.

Exporting and importing databases

To export and import databases, use the riptide db-export and riptide-db-import commands, see Managing Databases.

Exporting and importing other data

Riptide does not offer export or import functionality for other data.

I already upgraded, what now?

If you already upgraded Riptide to 0.5.0, you can disable the performance option and access the data again to export it. You can then enable it again and import the data.

To disable the performance optimization, run riptide config-edit-user and set performance.dont_sync_named_volumes_with_host to false.

To enable it again after the export, set performance.dont_sync_named_volumes_with_host to auto

If you unable to migrate, you can also leave the performance option disabled.