Shell Integration

Riptide has integrations for the popular Bash and Zsh shells. We highly recommend installing these!

CLI Command Aliases

Riptide projects may define custom commands for you to use. Take for example a command called mysql. To run it without the integration you have to execute:

$ riptide cmd mysql -e "DESCRIBE Hello;"

If the shell integration is enabled, you can just run the command like you would any other shell command:

$ mysql -e "DESCRIBE Hello;"


We highly recommend using the shell integration. The riptide cmd command does not support passing all arguments and options.

Install the integration

If you are using Bash, add the following line to your .bashrc:

. riptide.hook.bash

If you are using Zsh, add the following line to your .zshrc:

. riptide.hook.zsh

You need to re-open your terminals for the integration to be enabled (or source your bashrc/zshrc).


When using Riptide inside a virtualenv, you need to replace riptide.hook.bash with the full path to riptide.hook.bash. You can get that by calling which riptide.hook.bash. The same applies for the zsh integration.


If you want to try these commands out yourself using the demo project from the following chapters, you may need to start the database first: riptide start -s db.


Whenever you set up a project for the first time, you need to exit and re-enter the project directory to use the commands.


Riptide has limited experimental autocomplete support.

To enable it for Bash, add the following line to your .bashrc:

eval "$(_RIPTIDE_COMPLETE=source_bash riptide)"

To enable it for Zsh, add the following line to your .zshrc:

eval "$(_RIPTIDE_COMPLETE=source_zsh riptide)"

Replace <full_path_to_riptide> with the full path to the riptide command. On Mac and Linux you can get this path by executing which riptide.

You need to re-open your terminals or source the rc-file inside them for the integration to be enabled.


When using Riptide inside a virtualenv, you need to replace riptide with the full path to riptide. You can get that by calling which riptide.