Plugin Development

Riptide can be extended with plugins. To write a plugin, create a Python package, that has the following entry point defined:


Replace php-xdebug with the identifier of your plugin and the rest with the entry point of your plugin, implementing AbstractPlugin (see below).

Plugin Interface

class riptide.plugin.abstract.AbstractPlugin[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

A Riptide plugin extends the functionality of Riptide.

For this it can:

  • Add new CLI commands to riptide-cli.
  • Set flags, which can be retrieved from the configuration using a variable helper
  • Directly read and modify all parts of the configuration entities loaded.
  • Communicate with the loaded engine.

Called after the last CLI of Riptide CLI has loaded. Can be used to add CLI commands using Click. The passed object is the main CLI command object.

after_load_engine(engine: riptide.engine.abstract.AbstractEngine)[source]

After the engine was loaded. engine is the interface of the configured engine.

after_reload_config(config: Config)[source]

Called whenever a project is loaded or if the initial configuration is loaded without a project.

get_flag_value(config: Config, flag_name: str) → any[source]

Return the value of a requested plugin flag. Return False if not defined. The current config is passed, to give a context about the calling project. Please note, that flag values are usually loaded before after_reload_config!